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If you feel compelled to reach out to me, I am happy to hear from you.

About technical problems, suggestions, ideas🎣

I have extremely limited technical expertise. It was a bit of a stretch for me to construct this extension and website. I would advise you limit your expectations regarding my capacity to make improvements. I am happy to collect thoughts until such time as either I am able to act on them, or someone else comes along who is able to do so. (Neither of which being at all inevitable.)

If you would like to make any direct improvements, you are of course welcome to make a proposal, or fork 🍽️.

Feedback on the documentation🎣

I’m only slightly more skilled at creating documentation than I am at creating computer programs. What do you think of my efforts? Too much? Too little? Wrong focus? Or what?

Methods of communication🎣




This project is currently hosted on If you’re into that kind of thing, you can hit me up over there

Extension repo: duckduckLib (Issues tracker)

Website repo: (Issues tracker)

Author: @CouldBeThis

Last update: 2021-03-19