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Privacy (draft in progress)🎣

The DuckDuckLib Firefox extension🎣

Please review 🔗How it works for a description of this extension.

The author of DuckDuckLib, @CouldBeThis, has no access to anything at all whatsoever. Everything is between you and your search engine.

Document history🎣

discussion: 🍅 Privacy policy text · Issue #5 · DuckDuckLib/duckduckLib

March 15, 2021: Created

March 19, 2021

  • Added “Third Party Plugins installed”: mkdcomments and mkdocs-material

~~What the heck do I care about Privacy Policies anyway?~~🎣

~~I know, I know. If you want to get into the muck of it, “Terms of Service; Didn’t Read” (short: ToS;DR) is a good place to start~~

~~We are a user rights initiative to rate and label website terms & privacy policies, from very good Class A to very bad Class E.~~

~~Terms of service are often too long to read, but it’s important to understand what’s in them. Your rights online depend on them. We hope that our ratings can help you get informed about your rights.~~

~~They even have their own browser extensions.~~


As with all internet things, nothing is simple, and nothing is isolated.

Wikipedia: GitHub

@CouldBeThis, DuckDuckLib and this website🎣


  • assembled the extension 🔗DuckDuckLib, published to the 🔗Mozilla Firefox Add-ons directory
  • assembled this website
  • administers the GitHub repos associated with the extension and the website

CouldBeThis does not receive any information directly or indirectly of any kind from any of this, beyond what is made publicly available by the various other organizations, companies and services involved in creating something like this for free.

Here are some things that do not exist:

  • To the best of my knowledge, I have not placed, or caused to be placed, any

  • devices,

  • bugs,
  • scripts,
  • cookies,
  • social media thingybobs
  • and/or anything else that “calls home”

on any of the above for the purposes of

  • tracking,
  • traffic analysis,
  • marketing,
  • targeting,
  • personalizations,
  • comments,
  • mailing lists,
  • collecting personal information
  • and/or any other purpose

on this website, in the DuckDuckLib Firefox extension, or any of the associated services.

  • No money is taken therefor no issues there

🎣 Projects, organizations and ?softwares? with a fish ( 🎣 ) are only relevant whilst u

Third parties whose constant involvement is mandatory to use the extension🎣


Firefox is run by a non-profit called Mozilla.

Link: Mozilla Privacy Policy

Mozilla website🎣

Normally, you need to access this to obtain the Firefox browser and extension

Link: Mozilla Websites, Communications & Cookies Privacy Notice


To use the DuckDuckLib Firefox extension, you need to use Firefox.

Link: Firefox Privacy Notice


The point of the extension is to facilitate web searching via DuckDuckGo, so their internet vacuums and information dispensing machines will have access to your information as required to conduct that.

link: DuckDuckGo Privacy

Third parties whose involvement is optional and ancillary to search function🎣


Website hosting: GitHub Pages🎣🎣

The website is hosted by GitHub Pages.

Link: GitHub Privacy Statement (jump to: GitHub Pages)

To the best of my knowledge no Third party applications are being employed.

🎣 Only applies while you are actively using this website. DuckDuckLib extension has no direct business with GitHub Pages.

Project & repo services: GitHub🎣🎣

In addition to the website, GitHub hosts the back end project stuff for DuckDuckLib and the website. For clarity, that would be:

If you cruise around on the GitHub website, then it’s up to GitHub what data they are collecting.

Link: GitHub Privacy Statement

🎣Only applies while you are actively using their website. DuckDuckLib extension has no direct business with GitHub.

Website components: MkDocs🎣

This website is created principally by means of MkDocs, a static site generator, possibly with official or community-created plugins. Building the website is handled on my personal computer and the finished pages are upload to the webserver (GitHub Pages, see elsewhere in this document).

Right now, the site is in actively development, and furthermore, I am trying to learn how to use this software, which is a bit challenging. Therefor I am not certain how it will end up, and what might get tried along the way. Here is a hopefully (but not certainly) exhaustive list of possibilities:

Technical information about plugins are put together: Plugins - MkDocs

Third Party Plugins installed🎣


github: ryneeverett/python-markdown-comments

makes a small change to the way text documents are handled before leaving the computer I develop on. Should have no impact on end user.

Theme: mkdocs-material🎣

github: squidfunk/mkdocs-material | docs/demo: Material for MkDocs

Data privacy - Material for MkDocs

In itself, Material for MkDocs does not perform any tracking and should adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but it integrates with some third-party services that may not.

Third-party services

Google Fonts

Material for MkDocs makes fonts configurable by relying on Google Fonts CDN, which may be in breach with GDPR. The usage of Google’s CDN can be easily disabled via mkdocs.yml.

Google Analytics and Disqus

Material for MkDocs comes with optional Google Analytics and Disqus integrations, both of which must be enabled explicitly, so there’s no immediate action if you don’t use those.

On this website, none of the above options (Google Fonts, Google Analytics, and Disqus) are enabled.


I do not believe there is any actual interaction between users of this extension or website and MkDocs, even when users are on the website. Nevertheless I did attempt to find a relevant statement in the MkDocs website, github, wiki, and some apparently closely related projects. The best I was able to do was mkdocs / mkdocs.:

Everyone interacting in the MkDocs project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct.

Link: Python Community Code of Conduct | Python Software Foundation

Not sure if applicable or not: Privacy Policy |


Regarding the website

Hosting by:

ther Github hosted services

Only applies: If you are actively using this website or other Github hosted services. Does not have anything at all to do with your searches.

Last update: 2021-03-20