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Topical external links🎣

What’s a homepage without links?

Other search tools🎣

You can search Firefox Add-ons for other search extensions. There are hundreds of them, but a couple of good ones are:

“This search engine extension protects users from being tracked while allowing them to search the web in complete privacy”

“Privacy, simplified. Our add-on provides the privacy essentials you need to seamlessly take control of your personal information, no matter where the internet takes you: tracker blocking, smarter encryption, DuckDuckGo private search, and more.”

Useful Firefox documentation🎣

Other relevant browser tutorials🎣

About privacy and security🎣🎣 is a well-known collectively-run website that evaluates programs and services for privacy and security, listing only those which meet stringent criteria. (And yes, they are very willing to de-list companies, services and websites who screw up.)

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)🎣

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a leading advocate for privacy and security. I personally don’t have a very good opinion of a lot of NGO, charity, advocacy and other similar groups. In general, the EFF comes out on the best side of complicated situations much more often than chance would predict. You might be interested in perusing the various items related to Privacy on their website.

If you really want to learn about privacy and security, the EFF’s Surveillance Self-Defense: Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications is a great place to start. It helps you to think about how intense you really need to be about this stuff, to make rational decisions.

Last update: 2021-03-19